Share stories, ideas, photos and more!
Share stories, ideas, photos and more!
Book your place!
Choose option(s) of your preference and take part in the event!
10.02.2019 a 20.05.2019
20.03.2019 a 10.09.2019
Data of the SAVINGS ACCOUNT for deposit of the amount of the registration (in relation to the desired modality(ies)):
* Banco do Brasil
* Agência 3652-8
* Conta POUPANÇA 44.791-9 (Variação: 51)
* Favored people: ELIETE FIGUEIRA BATISTA DA SILVEIRA / CPF 965.706.607-72
After the payment, send a copy of the deposit voucher to the email inscriforumfis2019@gmail.com, informing in the "Subject" field the following message: REGISTER FirstLASTNAME. For example: REGISTER ElieteSILVEIRA.
Foreign participants, please contact us by e-mail (inscriforumfis2019@gmail.com) in order to obtain more information about the payment of the inscription/registration at the event.
NOTE: SYMPOSIUM / POSTER SUBSCRIPTIONS: Please wait for the evaluation of the work to make the payment. MINICOURSE / WORKSHOP INSCRIPTIONS: Please, wait for the confirmation of the vacancy, in order to make the payment.
Questions about completing the registration form: CLICK HERE.